Energy & NZEB

Energy is one of the critical elements in the design and operation of buildings and infrastructures. From energy efficient buildings we must evolve to neutral energy buildings or NZEB (Net Zero Energy Buildings ) and later towards positive energy buildings or PEB (Positive Energy Buildings ) that contribute more energy to the system than they consume.

Since each building is unique, it is essential to have an expert team to select the most appropriate and specific solutions for each case. Additionally, continuous monitoring of key variables during operation is vital to ensure that the building’s energy performance matches that anticipated during design. Otherwise, the implemented solutions will be adjusted until the desired level of operation is reached.



JG Ingenieros offers solutions backed by experts to guarantee energy efficiency.

NZEB Master Plan

Energy audits

Energy simulations

Energy improvement projects

Measurement and verification protocols

Energy rate management


1. Reduction of operating costs: maximum reduction of the building’s energy demand.

2. Demand reduction: design of highly efficient systems that consume minimal energy to satisfy that optimized energy demand.

3. Reduction of consumption: production of the necessary energy through non-polluting renewable sources.

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