Consulting Area

The process of conceptualization, definition, execution and operation of a building is complex. It faces growing user demands, adapting to technological advances, optimizing energy resources and minimizing costs. To ensure success, it is essential to get the initial concepts right.


JG Ingenieros offers specialized technical consulting services that address complementary aspects to the architectural ones from the initial phase of the construction process.

Clients who trust us

We are proud to have collaborated with a wide range of leading clients in various sectors. Companies such as Amazon, Montepino, Mutua Madrileña, Simon and GMP have trusted our services to guide them throughout the construction process.

Our experience has allowed us to satisfy the growing demands of our clients, offering innovative solutions that optimize energy resources, reduce costs and guarantee success at each stage of the development of their projects.

Our projects

Let's work together!

Our projects are unique and innovative.