A Roadmap to the Carbon Neutral Hospital

Juan Gallostra Isern presented the paper ¨A roadmap to the Carbon Neutral Hospital¨, at the ASHRAE International Building decarbonization conference 2024, held in Madrid on the 17th and 18th of April.

The paper introduces a strategy to move towards the EU commitment of becoming a Carbon Neutral continent in 2050.

Hospitals are one of the most energy consuming building types, and therefore this objective is specially challenging for this asset class.

The three steps towards this objective are: reduce energy demand, reduce energy consumption, and use renewable energy sources. Starting from an average annual energy spending for a medium size hospital in the Mediterranean region of 320 kWh/m2, we propose to reduce this value by 40% and then provide the remaining 190 kWh/m2-yr with renewable energy sources.

ASHRAE International Building Decarbonization Conference 2024