Reading of Gil Vinyeta’s doctoral thesis

On Monday, July 22, the reading and defense of Gil Vinyeta ‘s doctoral thesis took place at the School of Industrial Engineering in Barcelona.

The thesis, entitled “Investment prioritization model for technological solutions in Smart Buildings with sustainable development criteria” is the result of four years of intense work by Gil, within the “industrial doctorates” program of the Generalitat de Catalunya.

In these programs, the Generalitat finances part of the cost of the doctorate for the student, the company (JG) and the university professors who act as thesis directors.

Gil’s presentation was clear and complete, and convinced the court, which deservedly rated it as “excellent.” Gil was accompanied in the session by several of JG’s colleagues and by his family, in a solemn academic ceremony that was held in the “Grupo JG” classroom, a classroom at the engineering school that was equipped with a contribution from JG.

Congratulations, Gil!